Struggle with IBM partnerworld site? No problem IBM asks for your password.
Category Partnerworld Website
Stunned disbelief. Today is just yet another day where I experienced some issue with the IBM Partnerworld website. Partnerworld is that part of that 50% of seems to be down 50% of the time. Last week I was trying to do some maintenance on my company profile and the site was down. Today I go back, the part I tried to get into last week is now up, but some other part is down. So I still can't complete what I want to do.
The best part of my experience, yet again was that a popup appearing offering assistance. I again, decided to take the assistance. Take a look at the chat discussion below and see if you can see where IBM help folks do something really really stupid. I do mention in the chat I think it's a little nuts. Clearing the cache following Jimmy's instructions also ended the chat, so also a genius suggestion.
In Fortune this month, Sam Palmisano is boasting about IBMs profits, how about a little less profit Mr. Palmisano and some investment in your website and training support staff on things to never ask customers for.
Please wait for your IBM representative to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Jimmy Batiste'
Jimmy Batiste: Hello!
you: Hi Jimmy, I am clicking on the option Update your profile and I am getting "Our apologies..." the page you requested cannot be displayed.
Jimmy Batiste: please provide me your name IBM ID and company
you: Epilio
you: Do you selectivey not make pages work for certain companies?
Jimmy Batiste: Please allow 2 mins to check your profile
Jimmy Batiste: you must be entitled depending on what you are tryiong to access, you must be an IBM Business Partner to access Partnerworld links
you: Yes I know that
you: I am entitled
you: Or are you telling me that I am no longer entitled?
you: so IBMs error message if not entitled is "Our apologies...the page you requested cannot be displayed."?
Jimmy Batiste: Please allow me 2 mins to verify
you: No problem Jimmy.
Jimmy Batiste: thanks
Jimmy Batiste: Thanks fro your patience, everything is ok withe your profile ...Please clear your cash , and close your browser and the open a new browser from the desk top and try again, if you give me your ID/PW I can try from my end
you: yeah right, I'm going to give you my password
you: is that IBM policy?
Jimmy Batiste: We see your ID , you can always reset your password, we see your information internal I have no use for your password but to assit you
you: Sorry, but asking for my password, should be verbotten.
you: It is terrible that you would even ask for it
you: and I am sure some kind of breach of IBM policy.
you: if it isn't it should be.
Jimmy Batiste: You do not have to , please try clearing your cache and reseting you password and then try againg your profile is working fine,
you: I will do that, thank you.
Jimmy Batiste: changing I will wait for you
No difference
Then I lost poor Jimmy as I cleared my "cash" although I think he meant cache.
Stunned disbelief. Today is just yet another day where I experienced some issue with the IBM Partnerworld website. Partnerworld is that part of that 50% of seems to be down 50% of the time. Last week I was trying to do some maintenance on my company profile and the site was down. Today I go back, the part I tried to get into last week is now up, but some other part is down. So I still can't complete what I want to do.
The best part of my experience, yet again was that a popup appearing offering assistance. I again, decided to take the assistance. Take a look at the chat discussion below and see if you can see where IBM help folks do something really really stupid. I do mention in the chat I think it's a little nuts. Clearing the cache following Jimmy's instructions also ended the chat, so also a genius suggestion.
In Fortune this month, Sam Palmisano is boasting about IBMs profits, how about a little less profit Mr. Palmisano and some investment in your website and training support staff on things to never ask customers for.
Please wait for your IBM representative to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Jimmy Batiste'
Jimmy Batiste: Hello!
you: Hi Jimmy, I am clicking on the option Update your profile and I am getting "Our apologies..." the page you requested cannot be displayed.
Jimmy Batiste: please provide me your name IBM ID and company
you: Epilio
you: Do you selectivey not make pages work for certain companies?
Jimmy Batiste: Please allow 2 mins to check your profile
Jimmy Batiste: you must be entitled depending on what you are tryiong to access, you must be an IBM Business Partner to access Partnerworld links
you: Yes I know that
you: I am entitled
you: Or are you telling me that I am no longer entitled?
you: so IBMs error message if not entitled is "Our apologies...the page you requested cannot be displayed."?
Jimmy Batiste: Please allow me 2 mins to verify
you: No problem Jimmy.
Jimmy Batiste: thanks
Jimmy Batiste: Thanks fro your patience, everything is ok withe your profile ...Please clear your cash , and close your browser and the open a new browser from the desk top and try again, if you give me your ID/PW I can try from my end
you: yeah right, I'm going to give you my password
you: is that IBM policy?
Jimmy Batiste: We see your ID , you can always reset your password, we see your information internal I have no use for your password but to assit you
you: Sorry, but asking for my password, should be verbotten.
you: It is terrible that you would even ask for it
you: and I am sure some kind of breach of IBM policy.
you: if it isn't it should be.
Jimmy Batiste: You do not have to , please try clearing your cache and reseting you password and then try againg your profile is working fine,
you: I will do that, thank you.
Jimmy Batiste: changing I will wait for you
No difference
Then I lost poor Jimmy as I cleared my "cash" although I think he meant cache.
I now return to my own daily battle with PartnerWorld. Seems like key pages I need aren't working... Maybe I will be proactive and send them all of my cash, along with a list of all of my passwords!
Posted by Handly Cameron At 02:48:45 PM On 05/04/2009 | - Website - |
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Posted by Arthur Fontaine At 05:51:56 PM On 05/04/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Benny At 03:23:28 AM On 05/05/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 07:05:46 AM On 05/05/2009 | - Website - |