Happy Yellow Day
Category Suite on the Street
Today is Yellow Day. Did you all receive your Yellow Day packs from IBM with all you freebies to give away to fellow employees, posters to hang on the walls cough cough?
Does anyone in the UK remember YellowFever and Suite on the Street Day? Even better do you you have pictures? I know my brother and I drove about 550 miles in one day seeing a bunch of partners and customers in exciting places like Scunthorpe and Hull. We drove from Staines up't north, around, and then back down to Staines for the party.
Am I wearing yellow? Heck no. I had enough years being forced to wear yellow, no intention to wear it out of choice. Do you know how many bees are attracted to yellow shirts in the summer? I can tell you from experience, a lot! Bah Humbug So instead of wearing yellow, I will celebrate Yellow Day by not blogging about more frustrations that I found with Notes 8 over the weekend :)
Today is Yellow Day. Did you all receive your Yellow Day packs from IBM with all you freebies to give away to fellow employees, posters to hang on the walls cough cough?
Does anyone in the UK remember YellowFever and Suite on the Street Day? Even better do you you have pictures? I know my brother and I drove about 550 miles in one day seeing a bunch of partners and customers in exciting places like Scunthorpe and Hull. We drove from Staines up't north, around, and then back down to Staines for the party.
Am I wearing yellow? Heck no. I had enough years being forced to wear yellow, no intention to wear it out of choice. Do you know how many bees are attracted to yellow shirts in the summer? I can tell you from experience, a lot! Bah Humbug So instead of wearing yellow, I will celebrate Yellow Day by not blogging about more frustrations that I found with Notes 8 over the weekend :)
Posted by Wassim At 10:59:04 AM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 11:13:17 AM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Alan Lepofsky At 12:28:05 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 12:31:43 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Wassim At 03:42:21 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Craig Wiseman At 03:48:54 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |