YellowDay Giveaway
Category YellowDay Bear
As other people are giving away stuff for Yellowday why not me. So here it is, I will give this one of a kind R5 beanie bear to the person that can post the best reason on why they should get it. This bear has a hand stitched R5 Logo (Mum you say I keep too much stuff anyway so don't be mad I'm giving it away), and is about 6 inches tall, perfect to sit on top of a screen or some where else on your desk.
As other people are giving away stuff for Yellowday why not me. So here it is, I will give this one of a kind R5 beanie bear to the person that can post the best reason on why they should get it. This bear has a hand stitched R5 Logo (Mum you say I keep too much stuff anyway so don't be mad I'm giving it away), and is about 6 inches tall, perfect to sit on top of a screen or some where else on your desk.

Posted by Karl-Henry Martinsson At 12:31:51 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 12:34:39 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
or the Kstation, whatever it was, wait a panda bear maybe?
Posted by Keith Brooks At 12:39:20 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Hang on - does it smell of dog?
Posted by Gab Davis At 12:56:47 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
"Because it's my birthday, and I wants it my precious??"
Posted by Craig Wiseman At 01:38:16 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Glen At 01:58:13 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Scott Hooks At 01:58:43 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by null At 03:00:40 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Wassim At 03:40:07 PM On 08/11/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Pedro Quaresma At 09:41:39 AM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Blogmonkey needs the bear,
I promise pictures of the hilarious results
Posted by Susan Bulloch At 10:59:35 AM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 11:50:55 AM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Mum At 01:02:13 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 01:03:42 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
@4 Will the mouse fix it? No Dog smell, it has only been eaten and passed 5 times and washed after each visit.
@6 Ouch
@7 Too presumptive maybe
@9 Just cos Arabs eat bears and babies for breakfast!
@10 burn them at the stake! or see if they can swim, if they can swim them bears are SP devs, if they sink and drown they were obviously OK.
@11 My Mum doesn't know who blogmonkey is...
Posted by Carl Tyler At 01:17:48 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
The bears in my house range from smaller than your R5 bear up to a near life-sized panda. They include expensive Steiff bears, less expensive every-day bears, jointed bears, plush bears, carnival prize bears and rescued bears. Not to mention bear art (including a Yogi and BooBoo cel) and bear figurines.
My license plate is BEARCA. It's New Hampshire, and we don't need that final "R"! It is BEARCA because when I was first dating my wife, her year-old daughter called my house the "bear house" because so many bears lived there. She called me "bear" because I lived in the bear house, and she needed something to call me. She called my car "bear car" either because it was mine, or because of the bumper sticker with dancing bears on it, and so I obtained the license plate at next opportunity.
That one-year-old daughter became my daughter when I married her mom and filed formal adoption papers. She is now about to be 18 and will go off in just a few weeks for her first year of college. I can think of nothing better that this bear can be than my gift to her.
I will give her the R5 bear as a present for her dorm room. He will serve to remind her of her dad while she is away. He will guard her MacBook Pro when it is not with her in classes, and he will protect her from all the things that bears protect little girls from. (Even though she is in fact no longer little, it's all the same to a bear.) And when they come home to visit, he will have plenty of friend bears to play with in the bear house.
Posted by Richard Schwartz At 01:58:20 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 02:08:04 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Richard Schwartz At 03:22:41 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 03:25:10 PM On 08/12/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Michael Rice At 03:08:29 PM On 08/13/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 03:14:45 PM On 08/13/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Mum At 01:24:43 PM On 08/14/2008 | - Website - |
After careful consideration of all the entries I have to award the bear to Bearman (Richard Schwartz). I hope the bear along with his daughter will receive a high class education at college and be prepared for the big wide open World. GO R5 BEAR - be a brave bear now and behave yourself at college.
Posted by Mum At 01:24:12 PM On 08/18/2008 | - Website - |