Will Notes 8 make me less productive?
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I know a provocative question, especially when the product hasn't even used it, and maybe even more strange when I haven't even used it yet. The reason I ask the question is I'm a keyboard junky, R5 (or was it R4) was a painful transition for keyboard junkies like myself with many of the keyboard shortcuts changing. I've noticed from some of the screenshots on Mary Beth Raven's blog that many menu choices have been changed. For example, Databases are now applications, so what happens to my Alt, F, D, O or Alt, F , D, R ? These key sequences I hit without thinking about them, finger memory kicks in, much like playing a musical instrument, your brain doesn't even have to think about moving your fingers in the right way, it just happens.
I really hope someone at Lotus ensures they go through current keystrokes, and if there's a key sequence is used today, it doesn't perform some different task, for example it would be terrible if something like Alt F, D, O deleted a database versus opening it.
I don't believe Notes 8 will make me less productive in the long run, but I think I may find retraining my fingers, ie learning a new instrument will take some time.
I know a provocative question, especially when the product hasn't even used it, and maybe even more strange when I haven't even used it yet. The reason I ask the question is I'm a keyboard junky, R5 (or was it R4) was a painful transition for keyboard junkies like myself with many of the keyboard shortcuts changing. I've noticed from some of the screenshots on Mary Beth Raven's blog that many menu choices have been changed. For example, Databases are now applications, so what happens to my Alt, F, D, O or Alt, F , D, R ? These key sequences I hit without thinking about them, finger memory kicks in, much like playing a musical instrument, your brain doesn't even have to think about moving your fingers in the right way, it just happens.
I really hope someone at Lotus ensures they go through current keystrokes, and if there's a key sequence is used today, it doesn't perform some different task, for example it would be terrible if something like Alt F, D, O deleted a database versus opening it.
I don't believe Notes 8 will make me less productive in the long run, but I think I may find retraining my fingers, ie learning a new instrument will take some time.
Posted by Elijah Lapson At 10:13:07 PM On 02/09/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 10:54:08 PM On 02/09/2007 | - Website - |
It's really not a difficult transition. There's pain for a couple of days.
Posted by Nathan T. Freeman At 07:34:49 AM On 02/10/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Mikkel Heisterberg At 09:15:54 AM On 02/10/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Matt White At 03:02:27 AM On 02/12/2007 | - Website - |
The point I would make is that heavy keyboard users like us are by and large pretty adaptable to begin with, and will learn new keyboard habits pretty quickly. If there are good reasons to remap keyboard combos in order to improve general usability, I would support that with the caveats that 1) old combos don't do something potentially damaging, and 2) old combos for common actions have a new combo replacement.
Posted by Kevin Pettitt At 10:11:22 PM On 02/21/2007 | - Website - |