A few people are picking up on IBM publishing blogging guidelines so that IBMers can start blogging proactively.
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What I would love to see is IBM publish guidelines for IBMers to respond to questions in public forums, whether they be Notes.Net, LDD, Newsgorups whatever. Whilst at Lotus it was a constant struggle to get Product Managers to answer questions in the internal Lotus Answer Network from fellow employees, let alone questions from partners or customers in other forums. The Quickplace have taken a great step forward and on Fridays try and answer questions in the Quickplace forum. Wouldn't it be great if every group in IBM did something similar?
What I would love to see is IBM publish guidelines for IBMers to respond to questions in public forums, whether they be Notes.Net, LDD, Newsgorups whatever. Whilst at Lotus it was a constant struggle to get Product Managers to answer questions in the internal Lotus Answer Network from fellow employees, let alone questions from partners or customers in other forums. The Quickplace have taken a great step forward and on Fridays try and answer questions in the Quickplace forum. Wouldn't it be great if every group in IBM did something similar?