Everything is upside down
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I saw this picture the over the weekend

and it really had me thinking. What if the south pole really is the top? Who decided? Are there groups around whose goal is to get the South Pole recognized as the top? I'm sure Australians think this way all the time, but think about it, all the pictures we see of the solar system are upside down. Aliens could arrive and laugh at us for being so stupid, I so wanted to find some kid stoned on pot at the weekend and ask them what they thought
I saw this picture the over the weekend

and it really had me thinking. What if the south pole really is the top? Who decided? Are there groups around whose goal is to get the South Pole recognized as the top? I'm sure Australians think this way all the time, but think about it, all the pictures we see of the solar system are upside down. Aliens could arrive and laugh at us for being so stupid, I so wanted to find some kid stoned on pot at the weekend and ask them what they thought

Posted by Maria At 06:17:31 PM On 10/16/2006 | - Website - |