European Union Constitution
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So some of you may have heard that last week the EU came up with it's new constitution. I would just like to ask, when did I ever sign up for this crap of having some guy in Brussels tell us what to do? Who asked me if we wanted a European President? As far as I'm concerned, we signed up for a free trade zone, I did not sign up to become a citizen of Europe, and we have the Magna Carta thank you very much. Yes I am from a country in Europe, but in no way am I like the French, Germans or Norwegians (although Norwegian women are quite sexy, so I probably appreciate them as much as Norwegian guys).
Now this could just be me, but I think Europe is very quickly heading towards a place where it's citizens are going to become very disgruntled with overpaid politicians telling them what they can and cannot do. I do not want to be part of the United States of Europe. I don't believe that the UK Indenpendant Party is the answer either. I think it's about time some politicians started listening to their constituents.
So some of you may have heard that last week the EU came up with it's new constitution. I would just like to ask, when did I ever sign up for this crap of having some guy in Brussels tell us what to do? Who asked me if we wanted a European President? As far as I'm concerned, we signed up for a free trade zone, I did not sign up to become a citizen of Europe, and we have the Magna Carta thank you very much. Yes I am from a country in Europe, but in no way am I like the French, Germans or Norwegians (although Norwegian women are quite sexy, so I probably appreciate them as much as Norwegian guys).
Now this could just be me, but I think Europe is very quickly heading towards a place where it's citizens are going to become very disgruntled with overpaid politicians telling them what they can and cannot do. I do not want to be part of the United States of Europe. I don't believe that the UK Indenpendant Party is the answer either. I think it's about time some politicians started listening to their constituents.
Posted by Dad At 03:34:41 AM On 06/23/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Trish At 04:15:19 AM On 06/23/2004 | - Website - |
It would be quite ironic if Ireland was the country that blocked this since the constitution was agreed during the Irish presidency of the EU (Berite Ahern was primarily responsible for getting the countries to agree it over the past 6 months).
Myself, I have no problem with the constitution, but I also believe that we all have a right to vote this one in or not (Democracy and all that)......
Ah well, back to sametime!
Posted by Paul Mooney At 12:27:35 PM On 06/23/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Simon At 06:55:11 AM On 06/24/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by David At 08:23:31 AM On 06/24/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Joel Demay At 06:01:02 PM On 06/24/2004 | - Website - |