Did I say it was cold the other day?
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If I did, I lied, it's colder today and with the Wind Chill we are talking really really cold something like -25-30F. Today is cold enough that if you went outside and exposed you skin for about 10 minutes it would freeze, that's pretty cold. The good news is, it's due to get even colder and snow, but at least it's a blue sky, so that pretty much makes up for it.
If I did, I lied, it's colder today and with the Wind Chill we are talking really really cold something like -25-30F. Today is cold enough that if you went outside and exposed you skin for about 10 minutes it would freeze, that's pretty cold. The good news is, it's due to get even colder and snow, but at least it's a blue sky, so that pretty much makes up for it.
Posted by Lisa At 11:09:11 AM On 01/14/2004 | - Website - |