Day trip to New York city

Next week I'm going to be in New York city for a presentation to the Financial Services Instant Messaging Association (FIMA), which is a leading force in pushing for standards in IM interoperability, my presentation isn't around Instant Technologies as such, but more along the lines of observations I've made dealing enterprises deploying and using Instant Messaging today. FIMA has about 20 member companies which are ABN Amro, Bank of America, Bear Stearns, BNP Paribas, Citigroup, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Fidelity Investments, Gerstner Lehrman, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, J.P. Morgan Chase, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Paragon Markets, Prudential Securities, Soros Fund Management, and UBS. So I feel pretty privileged to have the opportunity to meet with them, and hear their stories about enterprise IM.
Obviously there are other benefits of going down to New York, such as meeting a few of my NY based Tylerettes, people still give me grief saying they don't exist and that they have a lot in common with the Easter bunny, but they are real, honestly. In fact, I noticed the other day, another Tylerette (Tammy) posted a response to this blog, Tammy was of the UK founding members who I managed to catch up when I was back in the UK, the great news from Tammy was that she is now a member of a rowing club. I have to admit Tammy was the last person I ever imagined being coordinated enough to row. Now if you know me, you'll know I have a bit of a thing for female rowers and swimmers, anyway I am now trying to convince Tammy that all the female members of her rowing club should enter the Head of the Charles in Boston and stay at my place. Could you imagine, a women's 8 staying at my place, hhmmm I can...
From FIMA to FEMALES, that's a pretty good topic change...
Posted by Ben Poole At 07:51:30 PM On 01/15/2004 | - Website - |