Never talk religion or politics
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OK I'm going to break this rule. For the last couple of days NPR has been giving extensive time to the church and how they are likely to become split if they allow in gay priests or gay marriages. There are priests on the radio saying how they will split from the church if this was to happen. I don't like to really get into this stuff as peoples beliefs are such a strong thing. But why were these priests so quiet when their colleagues were busy diddling little kids? Somehow this is OK compared to being gay?
OK I'm going to break this rule. For the last couple of days NPR has been giving extensive time to the church and how they are likely to become split if they allow in gay priests or gay marriages. There are priests on the radio saying how they will split from the church if this was to happen. I don't like to really get into this stuff as peoples beliefs are such a strong thing. But why were these priests so quiet when their colleagues were busy diddling little kids? Somehow this is OK compared to being gay?
Posted by At 11:45:41 PM On 07/30/2003 | - Website - |