Slowly getting around to adding ST Links to this site

I'm slowly getting around to it, but now I have partial support on this blog for Sametime Links. You can't choose to chat with me, but I can choose to chat with you, I can just surprise you out of the blue and popup on your screen. Using some slightly modified code that is already used on, I get a small window showing who is on the site, where they came from, who they are and which page they're reading. So if you should one day get a popup appear, do not be afraid, it's just me.
By the way if someone wants this or would like it doing to their intranet page, as we have done for a few customers, shoot me a mail, and we can discuss your requirements.
I'd certainly love to see open source though
Posted by Chris Toohey At 12:06:01 PM On 07/31/2003 | - Website - |
FYI this whitepaper with some other extra information added, is shortly to appear in the upcoming Developing Applications for IBM Lotus Instant Messaging Redbook that I co-authored with some great guys.
Posted by Carl At 12:09:52 PM On 07/31/2003 | - Website - |
Once I get my head into st (or whatever they'll be calling it by then) my first stop will be to your white papers!
Posted by Chris Toohey At 05:13:52 PM On 07/31/2003 | - Website - |