I had to laugh a little today
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I was looking for new stuff on the Lotus website, and came across this page which contains a list of webcasts that people can watch. I must be doing ok as I've done two of them:
I wonder if I should contact the Actors Guild about joining the union, and making sure I get residual checks sent to me when people watch them.
Many years ago I did two training videos for a a company called SoftVision, the videos were on none other than 1-2-3 R5 Part I & II, the video was actually their biggest seller that year. No royalties though as it was part of the deal for being the UK Desktop Product manager at the time. It lead to some interesting experiences such as being recognised by complete strangers at computer shows who swore blind that they had met you before, only to find out they had once spent 6 hours watching your tapes learning 1-2-3. I can't find much on SoftVision now, so I'm assuming they have closed, I hope it wasn't my video. I have to admit, I have only ever watched the first 5 minutes of the first tape where I make a rather subtle dirty joke which they left in, and then I can't bear to watch myself anymore, seeing my self in photos or videos really does make me cringe. I swear the camera adds about 10 stone (140 pounds).
I was looking for new stuff on the Lotus website, and came across this page which contains a list of webcasts that people can watch. I must be doing ok as I've done two of them:
- Instant Technologies, Powerful Instant Messaging Solutions
- Lotus Sametime: Improving Your Communications with Custom Instant Messaging
I wonder if I should contact the Actors Guild about joining the union, and making sure I get residual checks sent to me when people watch them.
Many years ago I did two training videos for a a company called SoftVision, the videos were on none other than 1-2-3 R5 Part I & II, the video was actually their biggest seller that year. No royalties though as it was part of the deal for being the UK Desktop Product manager at the time. It lead to some interesting experiences such as being recognised by complete strangers at computer shows who swore blind that they had met you before, only to find out they had once spent 6 hours watching your tapes learning 1-2-3. I can't find much on SoftVision now, so I'm assuming they have closed, I hope it wasn't my video. I have to admit, I have only ever watched the first 5 minutes of the first tape where I make a rather subtle dirty joke which they left in, and then I can't bear to watch myself anymore, seeing my self in photos or videos really does make me cringe. I swear the camera adds about 10 stone (140 pounds).
I came upon your blog site on the Web while taking a Softvision Renaissance tour. I was intrigued to see your ruminations about what become of Softvision. The long and the short of it is that we sold the company although there is more to the story than that which I will regale you with duly.
I have been back in Australia for some years now and running my own IT company. Let me know if you receive this and I will provide you with more information. If you use Skype, my ID is skypoweroz.
Kind regards
Posted by Stephen Berry At 08:12:03 AM On 09/16/2005 | - Website - |
My profile is on LinkedIn
email: taipa_tone@hotmail.com
Posted by Stephen At 01:08:21 AM On 08/19/2008 | - Website - |