Somethings I have no sympathy for

So I keep reading about these obese (aka fat) people suing companies like McDonalds for making them fat. I'm sorry, but I put this in the same category as people that sue cigarette makers for making them cough and get lung cancer. OK for many years, cigarettes were pushed as something cool, and don't get me wrong I've even smoked a few in my time, but at no point did I think it was the cigarette companies making me do it. I don't know about here, but in Europe the packs pretty clearly state "Cigarettes can kill", It's not hidden in small print, it's there in big letters.
So back to the fat people, ok as someone who falls very much into this category, I can clearly state, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, KFC (used to be Kentucky Fried Chicken but was renamed as Fried didn't sound healthy), Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Cadbury's and the local chinese are not, and I repeat not responsible for my extra baggage. Was I force fed these foods? No! Do they serve outrageous portions, that are high in fat? Yes, but I ate this crap not because of some clever marketing scheme, but because I chose to. To the lawyers that are wasting the time of companies like McDonalds, and giving us fat people an excuse for being fat, stop it! For most fat people there is a very simple equation eat unhealthy food, do no exercise and get fat; eat regular sized portions, do lots of exercise and get less fat. It's not complicated and when I've been motivated it works. Do I know about nutrition? yes, do I follow it, uhhm, not very often. I don't need to blame someone else for something that's totally under my control, so if the lawyer for McDonalds would like to contact me as an expert witness please feel free...
I guess I should get on the treadmill now.........nah.
Posted by Joe Litton At 11:07:52 PM On 07/13/2003 | - Website - |