An embarrassing story

Well I had to think long and hard about whether I tell this embarrassing story, but I decided if someone found out about it and told it wrong I could end up even more embarrassed. So here it is...
Well this evening I went on a date to the movies (yes I am the last of the big spenders), anyway I parked the car and we went to see the movie, which was Love Actually, which as she's English made total sense. The movie was your usual kind of Richard Curtis film, not much to think about but a nice sweet feel good movie. I wouldn't say it was as good as four weddings and a funeral but it was still fun none the less.
Anyway back to the embarrassing stuff. So we're walking back to the car with plans to go out for a burger, when bugger me, the bloody cars gone. Shit. I don't believe it, some son of a bitch has stolen my car, or even more strangely towed it and I was in a legal spot! I have to admit, in this kind of situation I am actually very calm, and start planning out what I have to do. So first thing I have to do is make sure the date can get home safely and then sort out the car details, so I walk her to the T and then on to the police station in Cambridge, to find out if the car has been stolen or towed. I am really hoping it's been towed, as my fishing rod and other junk are in it!
Upon entering the police station, I speak to the Office in charge and say "I need to find out if my car has been stolen or towed", to which he answers "why did you come here?", suprised by this question, I ask "This is the police station right? Wouldn't this be where I find out this stuff?", and his response "well you should have called, can't you see the Patriots game is on?", obviously upon realising this I felt very guilty for disturbing him. Anyway, very efficiently during time-outs, the nice Officer calls up some other division and hangs up the phone and says yep it's been stolen, at which point I'm expecting him to to kick into action, get on the radio putting out the alert for every available policement to be searching for my car. I am mistaken, he has me fill out a form puts it in a fax machine and tells me they'll call me if it ever turns up. I have to point out, even though his attention was on the ball game, he did his job and 98% of the time was very friendly.
So now realising I had no car, I decided to walk back to Harvard Square and get a cab home. Sitting in the cab on the way back, you'll never guess what I saw, yes you got it my car!!! Can you believe it there it is, 1/2 mile further down the road than where I could have sworn I parked it! So, this is embarrassing, because I have never done this before, ever and I can't believe I did it now. From initially going from wishing my car had been towed rather than stolen, to the jubilation of finding it again half an hour later, to the feeling, of oh my what an idiot I am. I called up the nice police officer in Cambridge to say I had found it and sorry for disturbing his game. I have always argued my hair is dirty blonde, now I know for sure it is!
So now I have to wonder if the date thinks I did this just to get out of buying dinner?
stoleborrowed it and returned it later to another location?Posted by Chris At 12:56:27 PM On 11/17/2003 | - Website - |