Instant Technologies acquires IMtegrity chat archiving.

So we finished this deal a few weeks ago but now we're ready to announce it, so I thought I would give the people that read this blog a scoop a day or so before the official press release goes out. Yep, Instant Technologies has acquired all rights to the IMtegrity chat archiving solution for Lotus Sametime and AOL IM. This basically means we are now responsible for future development of this product, supporting the existing customers etc. and making sure to market it.
We're obviously really excited about this, and believe it's a really good fit with our existing offerings of Instant TeamMessenger and Instant Agent Framework (bots). It's also interesting for me, as I created the first commercially available chat logger for Sametime, so it's kind of come back full circle again.
If anyone is interested in further details, please feel free to contact me by just clicking on my name in the top left.
Update: Story on Instant Messaging Planet: Instant Technologies Moves Into IM Security