Waterloo version II

Well not quite, but another great victory today in the Rugby World Cup with Johnny Wilkinson kicking England to a 24-7 win over the French. Mes excuses, mes petits amis français.
This means the final is now between the home team Australia and England. England and Australia last played a world cup final against each other in 1991, where England were playing at home; sadly the Ozzies beat us and won the world cup, so dear England team wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity for revenge for that loss, by beating the Ozzies at home?
To quote Joel Demay from an IM chat we had a couple of days ago "we are going to beat you guys this weekend downunder to move to the finals", ah Joel don't want to rub it in too much, but you didn't

Next Saturday should be fun, and there's no confusion over which shirt I'll be wearing.
Posted by Joel Demay At 08:18:45 PM On 11/16/2003 | - Website - |