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IBM deploying a SIP gateway next quarter!


This is great news!  

Ed Brill states "IBM will be deploying a SIP gateway next quarter to connect to our customers :)"


This is great news, and when it happens something I can cross of my list of IBM ToDos for Sametime.  Hopefully this is the real Sametime SIP gateway and not a customized IBM gateway or the Workplace IM server.  IBM needs to use the real thing, so they can see how it works and fix it if it doesn't etc.  I'd like to see IBM really publicise this when it happens, and be sure to interconnect many of their large customers and put press resleases out on it.  Good news though for all those Sametime customers and partners that want to IM with IBM.


Gravatar Image1 - Gee... I'm sure I just saw an entire herd of pigs flying past my 10th floor window on Lambeth Palace Road...

Gravatar Image2 - just because I'm extra-sensitive about this stuff....
let's say IBM is planning to deploy a SIP gateway. Or so I've heard. That's what I should have written on that blog entry, yeah, that's the ticket.

Gravatar Image3 - Many enterprise customers have been pushing IBM for this. One has to wonder why this technology is proving so difficult/risky/time consuming to make available?

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