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Does Notes call home?

Has anyone seen this?  I recently updated my installation of Malwarebytes, and it is now throwing up this warning every few hours:


Anyone else ever seen this?  I'm still using notes 8.5.3 for my day to day work.


Gravatar Image1 - That website doesn't look like anything remotely associated with IBM or even Lotus Development.

Anything running in C++ or LS on the client attempting to open something there would be listed as coming from the nlnotes.exe program.

Gravatar Image2 - It's a very strange one Nathan.

Gravatar Image3 - RSS feed?

Gravatar Image4 - Blogsphere?

Gravatar Image5 - The Whois info looks dodgy. I would suspect some weird addin, look at extmgr notes.ini to see if anything was added somehow.

Gravatar Image6 - I use MalawareBytes and have not seen this using 9.0.1

Gravatar Image7 - Yancy Lent had the site LotusReport.com before PlanetLotus. Maybe a agent in a old nsf.
Just guessing

Gravatar Image8 - Ever figure this out?

Gravatar Image9 - Nope, I ended up completely reinstalling and it went away. Interestingly I kept the same data folder, so it wasn't a db.

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