Epilio Translator now available utilizing the Microsoft Bing Translation server
Category Sametime Translation
A while back I posted a blog entry about Google's plans to drop their Translation SDK in December and how that would render the Sametime Translation plug-in obsolete. Well nothing has changed there, Google still plan to drop their Translation SDK. What has changed however, is I'm pleased to say Epilio now offers the option for users to install a new Sametime Translation plug-in which uses the Microsoft Translation server.
The new Microsoft Bing Translation plug-in is now part of really easy to use consolidated plug-in installer. I would strongly suggest un-installing the Google Translation plug-in (via the windows control panel) before installing the Microsoft one, as to be brutally honest, we have not tried the two installed together, and you could very well get some strange results, and remember this is unsupported software, you have been warned.
Obviously if you use Sametime for any confidential chats within your organization, you don't want to be using a public translation service, but want your own translation servers, so for organizations requiring continued translation capabilities through a secure cloud or on-premises solution, please visit our partner LinguaSys and take a look at the TGChat product which was developed in conjunction with Epilio.
A while back I posted a blog entry about Google's plans to drop their Translation SDK in December and how that would render the Sametime Translation plug-in obsolete. Well nothing has changed there, Google still plan to drop their Translation SDK. What has changed however, is I'm pleased to say Epilio now offers the option for users to install a new Sametime Translation plug-in which uses the Microsoft Translation server.
The new Microsoft Bing Translation plug-in is now part of really easy to use consolidated plug-in installer. I would strongly suggest un-installing the Google Translation plug-in (via the windows control panel) before installing the Microsoft one, as to be brutally honest, we have not tried the two installed together, and you could very well get some strange results, and remember this is unsupported software, you have been warned.
Obviously if you use Sametime for any confidential chats within your organization, you don't want to be using a public translation service, but want your own translation servers, so for organizations requiring continued translation capabilities through a secure cloud or on-premises solution, please visit our partner LinguaSys and take a look at the TGChat product which was developed in conjunction with Epilio.
Please tell me steps to disable that pop-up.
Posted by Deepak Prasar At 06:55:54 AM On 11/07/2011 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 06:59:13 AM On 11/07/2011 | - Website - |