Looking for Sametime translation services?
Category Sametime Translation
As you probably know, we offer for free Epilio Translator for IBM Lotus Sametime which works with Googles translation server. Sadly, this means that everything you want translated goes via the Google servers so it isn't exactly considered secure, and Google don't offer any kind of Service Level Agreement, any support, and could if they wanted switch the service off at any time. I sent an email once to the Google translation teams, using the email address on their website, and it came back as undeliverable, address unknown.. In the corporate world that doesn't fly. Years ago IBM offered Websphere Translation Server, no idea what happened to that, but it was always priced out of reach for most customers.
I'm pleased to say that we have partnered up with some experts in this space Linguasys, and today they announced their translation products for IBM Collaboration Software. You can read their press release here. One of the product offerings is TGchat, which we worked with them on. It offers real-time translation for Sametime chats, using their translation server, and all at a great price. Linguasys are responsible for all the customer interaction with regards to the product, so please be sure to contact them if you are interested in a supported, reliable, translation service for your Sametime clients, or other IBM software.
As you probably know, we offer for free Epilio Translator for IBM Lotus Sametime which works with Googles translation server. Sadly, this means that everything you want translated goes via the Google servers so it isn't exactly considered secure, and Google don't offer any kind of Service Level Agreement, any support, and could if they wanted switch the service off at any time. I sent an email once to the Google translation teams, using the email address on their website, and it came back as undeliverable, address unknown.. In the corporate world that doesn't fly. Years ago IBM offered Websphere Translation Server, no idea what happened to that, but it was always priced out of reach for most customers.
I'm pleased to say that we have partnered up with some experts in this space Linguasys, and today they announced their translation products for IBM Collaboration Software. You can read their press release here. One of the product offerings is TGchat, which we worked with them on. It offers real-time translation for Sametime chats, using their translation server, and all at a great price. Linguasys are responsible for all the customer interaction with regards to the product, so please be sure to contact them if you are interested in a supported, reliable, translation service for your Sametime clients, or other IBM software.
Posted by Albert Buendia At 06:02:05 AM On 03/23/2011 | - Website - |
I used a beta version of a Sametime translation server when I worked for Lotus about 10 years ago. I presume it must have operated via the Websphere thing you mentioned above. It was very impressive and certainly handled basic conversations better than Google does.
I've had an 8 or 9 year break from IT, so I've no idea what happened to it in the meantime :(
Posted by Phil Jones At 10:37:04 AM On 08/16/2012 | - Website - |