More Microsoft patent and prior art rubbish
Category Microsoft XML
Microsoft just got approved a patent for storing a word processing document as XML. I'm sorry, but if I remember rightly, the eSuite Word Processor back in 1998 was using XML as it's storage.
Seriously, do the patent folks really do any fact checking or look for prior art?
Microsoft just got approved a patent for storing a word processing document as XML. I'm sorry, but if I remember rightly, the eSuite Word Processor back in 1998 was using XML as it's storage.
Seriously, do the patent folks really do any fact checking or look for prior art?
What type moron in the US Patent Office would grant a patent approval to Microsoft for this, and how enforcable would such a patent be in a court of law?
It also makes a mockery of the ISO ODF Standards and even the OOXML standards which are both based on XML.
The US Patent Office should either lift their game or be banned from issuing software patents.
Posted by Ian Randall At 07:40:58 PM On 08/10/2009 | - Website - |