Alton Bay Winter Carnival
Category Frozen Lake
Alton Bay is about a 40 minute drive from me, you may remember my video of me landing there a couple of years ago (hope to do it again next weekend). My sister is currently visiting with her family and we thought it might be fun to drive up watch some planes take and land off and also give them the opportunity of experiencing driving a car around the middle of a frozen lake. As it turned out, this weekend was the Alton Bay Winter Carnival but we arrived too late to take part in any of the festivities. My nephew shot this video of the different vehicles using the lake yesterda, sadly we do not have on video my nephews reaction when my niece told him the ice was cracking (it wasn't) under the car.
Alton Bay is about a 40 minute drive from me, you may remember my video of me landing there a couple of years ago (hope to do it again next weekend). My sister is currently visiting with her family and we thought it might be fun to drive up watch some planes take and land off and also give them the opportunity of experiencing driving a car around the middle of a frozen lake. As it turned out, this weekend was the Alton Bay Winter Carnival but we arrived too late to take part in any of the festivities. My nephew shot this video of the different vehicles using the lake yesterda, sadly we do not have on video my nephews reaction when my niece told him the ice was cracking (it wasn't) under the car.
Posted by Wassim At 07:18:59 PM On 02/16/2009 | - Website - |