Roll up keyboards
Category Lotusphere keyboard
Every year I end up taking a server to Lotusphere, this year was no exception, somehow I ended up taking 2 servers and two laptops down with me. This year though I decided to not take a regular keyboard down with me to save a little space, instead I took one of these:
It was on sale in Staples for $6 the week before Lotusphere and was certainly much smaller and compact than my regular keyboard. So how did it work? I worked much better than I expected, I wouldn't want to type on it all day long, but for use in a hotel room, or for on stage demoing it was perfectly adequate. Now I am able to carry my server, keyboard, network hub, trackerball in a bag the size of a camera case.
Every year I end up taking a server to Lotusphere, this year was no exception, somehow I ended up taking 2 servers and two laptops down with me. This year though I decided to not take a regular keyboard down with me to save a little space, instead I took one of these:
It was on sale in Staples for $6 the week before Lotusphere and was certainly much smaller and compact than my regular keyboard. So how did it work? I worked much better than I expected, I wouldn't want to type on it all day long, but for use in a hotel room, or for on stage demoing it was perfectly adequate. Now I am able to carry my server, keyboard, network hub, trackerball in a bag the size of a camera case.
Posted by Glen At 12:17:10 PM On 02/02/2009 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 12:21:46 PM On 02/02/2009 | - Website - |