An excellent question has been posted to the Sametime Forum
Category Sametime Websphere Version Matrix
A great question has been posted to the Sametime Forum on ldd. The reason I've posted a link to the question here, is that I think it's an important question that many of us would like to know the answer to. The question is this:
This is the kind of question I am hearing more and more, along with the customers that miss miss when they had a single server handling Quickplace and Sametime. Version compatiblity is a big issue though, we know Domino and Domino Add-in product version syncs has been a nightmare and now we're adding Websphere and DB2 versions to the equation (and don't forget hot fixes). As Alan Lepofsky suggested recently IBM needs to start creating a grid/matrix with all these different versions, what's been tested, what's supported etc. Is Sametime 8.0.1 supported on 8.0.2 etc. Which version Websphere does the Gateway use, can Sametime advanced run on the same server etc. Which version of iNotes works with which version of Sametime for awareness to work etc. It will be a big grid, and would almost be a full time job maintaining it, but it's important for customers.
A great question has been posted to the Sametime Forum on ldd. The reason I've posted a link to the question here, is that I think it's an important question that many of us would like to know the answer to. The question is this:
I've implemented both Sametime Gateway and Sametime Advanced in a few production environments. As you know they both run on a Websphere/DB2
platform , but slightly different versions of Websphere.
The consequence is that a different physical machine is required for each application or some kind virtual machinery..but in either case, it doubles the maintenance required for upgrades, patches etc.
Now if a third Sametime application (some other app that depends on Websphere) comes along, it means yet another box and so on.
This is the kind of question I am hearing more and more, along with the customers that miss miss when they had a single server handling Quickplace and Sametime. Version compatiblity is a big issue though, we know Domino and Domino Add-in product version syncs has been a nightmare and now we're adding Websphere and DB2 versions to the equation (and don't forget hot fixes). As Alan Lepofsky suggested recently IBM needs to start creating a grid/matrix with all these different versions, what's been tested, what's supported etc. Is Sametime 8.0.1 supported on 8.0.2 etc. Which version Websphere does the Gateway use, can Sametime advanced run on the same server etc. Which version of iNotes works with which version of Sametime for awareness to work etc. It will be a big grid, and would almost be a full time job maintaining it, but it's important for customers.
Posted by Keith Brooks At 02:55:47 PM On 09/12/2008 | - Website - |