What a great sporting day Sunday was and Saturday had the Dr who season finale!
Category Wimbledon Dr Who Grand Prix
What a corker Sunday turned out to be. The Men's final at Wimbledon turned out to be one of the greatest finals ever, after a couple of fairly boring first two sets, the rains came and when play resumed it was a different game, what a fantastic ending, that literally went all the way.
Sunday was also the British Grand Prix. since Michael Schumacher (a robot of a driver) retired, Formula One has become interesting again, different drivers are winning and there are a number of drivers that could win the championship. Sunday was Lewis Hamiltons turn with a stunning display of driving in the wet, he finished something like 60 seconds ahead of second place, which is just amazing. I typically get out of bed early on a Sunday morning to watch the F1 race the Speed channel, however the last few races have been on Fox. No problem with that in itself, but Fox don't show the race until 1pm US time, which has been 5+ hours after the race was actually ran. Which means for most of Sunday morning I have to avoid calls from my brother, looking at the internet in case I come across the race results. Why Speed still can't show it live and Fox still show it at 1pm I have no idea.
Saturday had the Dr Who season finale. I won't really write anything here about it, so as not to spoil it for anyone that has not yet seen it. The week before had left us with a situation that had the Doctor starting a rejuvenation (typically means he wants too much money to continue so they change him for a different model), and Davros (what is he half Dalek half human cyclops?) was back (imagine a sinisiter voice gargling and you have the voice of Davros, basically a certain generation of Brit kids, I'm one of them, are terrified by Davros, he was even scarier than the guy in scuba gear with seaweed on his head) so we were left wonder for a week what was going to happen to the Doctor, how humans could survive against the Daleks. Great stuff.
What a corker Sunday turned out to be. The Men's final at Wimbledon turned out to be one of the greatest finals ever, after a couple of fairly boring first two sets, the rains came and when play resumed it was a different game, what a fantastic ending, that literally went all the way.
Sunday was also the British Grand Prix. since Michael Schumacher (a robot of a driver) retired, Formula One has become interesting again, different drivers are winning and there are a number of drivers that could win the championship. Sunday was Lewis Hamiltons turn with a stunning display of driving in the wet, he finished something like 60 seconds ahead of second place, which is just amazing. I typically get out of bed early on a Sunday morning to watch the F1 race the Speed channel, however the last few races have been on Fox. No problem with that in itself, but Fox don't show the race until 1pm US time, which has been 5+ hours after the race was actually ran. Which means for most of Sunday morning I have to avoid calls from my brother, looking at the internet in case I come across the race results. Why Speed still can't show it live and Fox still show it at 1pm I have no idea.
Saturday had the Dr Who season finale. I won't really write anything here about it, so as not to spoil it for anyone that has not yet seen it. The week before had left us with a situation that had the Doctor starting a rejuvenation (typically means he wants too much money to continue so they change him for a different model), and Davros (what is he half Dalek half human cyclops?) was back (imagine a sinisiter voice gargling and you have the voice of Davros, basically a certain generation of Brit kids, I'm one of them, are terrified by Davros, he was even scarier than the guy in scuba gear with seaweed on his head) so we were left wonder for a week what was going to happen to the Doctor, how humans could survive against the Daleks. Great stuff.
Posted by Dan Sickles At 02:57:39 PM On 07/07/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Lisa At 01:17:13 PM On 07/08/2008 | - Website - |