A simple Notes time saver
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If I am sent a large attachment, I have been in the habit of choosing right mouse button Open, this then locks up the Notes client until the file is downloaded which really frustrates me and makes me call Notes all sorts of nasty names. I realized today, that if I choose Save on the attachment instead of Open, then the save happens in the background on a separate thread and I can carry on working on other things. It will save a lot of time now that I know this, so if you don't know this and it bugs you, here's the workaround.
If I am sent a large attachment, I have been in the habit of choosing right mouse button Open, this then locks up the Notes client until the file is downloaded which really frustrates me and makes me call Notes all sorts of nasty names. I realized today, that if I choose Save on the attachment instead of Open, then the save happens in the background on a separate thread and I can carry on working on other things. It will save a lot of time now that I know this, so if you don't know this and it bugs you, here's the workaround.