Having used Notes 8 for a few days now I am reminded of symbaloo
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I blogged about symbaloo towards the end of last year,
They've updated their site a little bit and it's worth watching their online tour, it sounds like it's a 5 year old girl doing the narration but that's not what matters. It's that they get across the whole concept of the workspace being easy.
They also have some ideas that would be great in the Notes Workspace. Just clicking on an empty space would be the same as doing File, Application, Open (or Alt FDO as I preffered). Take a look at the News workspace, would pretty neat to be able to change an image in a notes database based upon the information users have entered in the db or set it programmatically, you have items that need your attention in a database, no problem, the code could give it a it bright red exclamation mark, items need your attention shortly use a orange one etc. See the status of things in big bold vivid ways without having to open the database.
What this site does more than anything, is demonstrate that the workspace chiclet idea has a lot of ways it can be improved upon. So yeah it can be made to be pretty, but it can also be made to make people more efficient.
I blogged about symbaloo towards the end of last year,
They've updated their site a little bit and it's worth watching their online tour, it sounds like it's a 5 year old girl doing the narration but that's not what matters. It's that they get across the whole concept of the workspace being easy.
They also have some ideas that would be great in the Notes Workspace. Just clicking on an empty space would be the same as doing File, Application, Open (or Alt FDO as I preffered). Take a look at the News workspace, would pretty neat to be able to change an image in a notes database based upon the information users have entered in the db or set it programmatically, you have items that need your attention in a database, no problem, the code could give it a it bright red exclamation mark, items need your attention shortly use a orange one etc. See the status of things in big bold vivid ways without having to open the database.
What this site does more than anything, is demonstrate that the workspace chiclet idea has a lot of ways it can be improved upon. So yeah it can be made to be pretty, but it can also be made to make people more efficient.
I'd like my workspace to be more of a blank canvas. I want to add links to files, programs, Google gadgets, web clipping, RSS feeds, stock updates, etc. Icons should be variable sizes to help me visually filter the clutter.
I say get rid of the "homepage", and just make a kick ass workspace.
Posted by Alan Lepofsky At 08:01:25 PM On 04/06/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 08:35:46 PM On 04/06/2008 | - Website - |