It's official HD-DVD lost, Blu-ray won.
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Well not really official, not until Toshiba announce in the next week or so that they are thrwoing in the towel, but Walmarts announcementpretty much kills it off.
Oh well, I had both bases covered, but pretty much always played Blu-Ray DVD on the PlayStation 3 anyway, as it was much quicker to load and start playing the Blu-ray DVD that the Toshiba HD-DVD player.
Well not really official, not until Toshiba announce in the next week or so that they are thrwoing in the towel, but Walmarts announcementpretty much kills it off.
Oh well, I had both bases covered, but pretty much always played Blu-Ray DVD on the PlayStation 3 anyway, as it was much quicker to load and start playing the Blu-ray DVD that the Toshiba HD-DVD player.
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Posted by Chris Mobley At 09:02:49 AM On 02/16/2008 | - Website - |
Posted by Yancy Lent At 09:51:16 AM On 02/16/2008 | - Website - |
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Posted by Rich Tyler At 05:10:19 AM On 02/19/2008 | - Website - |