Visualize Social Networks with IBM's Atlas
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Visualize Social Networks with IBM's Atlas
Visualize Social Networks with IBM's Atlas
IBM Atlas for Lotus Connections helps users answer questions about key experts on given topics and how they are connected. The software also gives users access to other users contacts.
Atlas comes at a time when the use of social networking tools in the enterprise is gaining momentum as a way to help users better connect, communicate and collaborate with each other. IBM officials demonstrated the software during a Made in IBM CIO Virtual Labs Day at the company's New York headquarters Dec. 18.
Atlas is the culmination of four years of development within IBM Research to help recognize more value from the aggregate of social network data collected over time, Chris Lamb, senior product manager for Lotus Connections, told eWEEK before the event.
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Posted by Chris Miller At 03:59:54 PM On 12/18/2007 | - Website - |