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I was just chatting with Howard Greenberg from and we came up with a new medical condition, smudgeophobia, this is the condition where mess doesn't really bother you, but fingerprints on your display, iPhone or TV etc. drive you up the wall. So I'm sorry to tell you I have this medical condition and I do indeed suffer from smudgeophobia.
I was just chatting with Howard Greenberg from and we came up with a new medical condition, smudgeophobia, this is the condition where mess doesn't really bother you, but fingerprints on your display, iPhone or TV etc. drive you up the wall. So I'm sorry to tell you I have this medical condition and I do indeed suffer from smudgeophobia.
Posted by Karen At 04:13:04 PM On 12/12/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by null At 10:44:06 AM On 12/13/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Dadl At 02:05:51 AM On 12/14/2007 | - Website - |