I totally missed this last October...
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Did you know that Microsoft had acquired the company Colloquis (which was originally called ActiveBuddy, which renamed itself Conversagent, before it finally ended up with Colloquis)? Some of you may know this as the company behind SmarterChild on AOL Instant Messenger bot, or like me, you may remember it more for the bogus patent it got awarded for Instant Messaging Bots, which now means if you hadn't worked it out yet, that Microsoft owns the patent for Instant Messaging Bots. Anyway I hadn't realized that Microsoft had purchased the company until I read this blog entry this morning. Windows Live Agents, it's actually a pretty interesting interview with one of their developers, be sure to follow the link to read about Microsoft's Automated Service Agent.
Did you know that Microsoft had acquired the company Colloquis (which was originally called ActiveBuddy, which renamed itself Conversagent, before it finally ended up with Colloquis)? Some of you may know this as the company behind SmarterChild on AOL Instant Messenger bot, or like me, you may remember it more for the bogus patent it got awarded for Instant Messaging Bots, which now means if you hadn't worked it out yet, that Microsoft owns the patent for Instant Messaging Bots. Anyway I hadn't realized that Microsoft had purchased the company until I read this blog entry this morning. Windows Live Agents, it's actually a pretty interesting interview with one of their developers, be sure to follow the link to read about Microsoft's Automated Service Agent.
Posted by Glen At 04:11:24 PM On 08/10/2007 | - Website - |