A hidden Gem in the Sametime 7.5.1 Release Notes.
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Hidden away in the Sametime Release notes is a feature that I have been requesting IBM add since the Sametime 7.5 beta. Now in Sametime 7.5.1 they have! What is this small tidbit of information that had me so worked up? Honestly it's something very small, but for 3rd party ISVs it's can be huge. In Sametime 7.5, if a user installed the client there was no easy way for a 3rd party developer with a local install file to easily work out the location of the Sametime installation directory, so most local installations would involve asking the person installing the software to confirm the location of their Sametime installation.
Now in Sametime 7.5.1 IBM heard my pleas and added a registry key that contains the base path for the Sametime Client install. The key is:
and contains a value along the lines:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Sametime Connect\
Now 3rd party installs can pull out this information, install a plugin and not have to prompt the user for the location of Sametime.
Hidden away in the Sametime Release notes is a feature that I have been requesting IBM add since the Sametime 7.5 beta. Now in Sametime 7.5.1 they have! What is this small tidbit of information that had me so worked up? Honestly it's something very small, but for 3rd party ISVs it's can be huge. In Sametime 7.5, if a user installed the client there was no easy way for a 3rd party developer with a local install file to easily work out the location of the Sametime installation directory, so most local installations would involve asking the person installing the software to confirm the location of their Sametime installation.
Now in Sametime 7.5.1 IBM heard my pleas and added a registry key that contains the base path for the Sametime Client install. The key is:
and contains a value along the lines:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Sametime Connect\
Now 3rd party installs can pull out this information, install a plugin and not have to prompt the user for the location of Sametime.