I have an idea for a new website
Category None
It could be called the "I can't believe some people are so lazy or stupid" site. People could use it to bitch anonymously about some of the lazy people that can't work out how F1 help works or expect people to write their code for them. You know the kind, they are all over places like the Notes forum where they ask questions like "How do I add a button to my form" or "Thanks for the answer, do you have code I can use?".
I think I may have to stop visiting the forums as I am seeing more and more of these types of questions. I believe the reason they are happening is that many companies have chosen to use newer, cheaper, untrained staff in the place of experienced, more expensive, skilled staff. So what we see is people learning the basics all over again, but these new people seem to expect everything to be handed to them on a plate, no out of the box thinking, heck no thinking at all.
What does everyone else think? Are you not bothered by the silly questions or the free loaders looking to have their bottoms wiped? I have never suffered fools gladly, so perhaps it's just me.
It could be called the "I can't believe some people are so lazy or stupid" site. People could use it to bitch anonymously about some of the lazy people that can't work out how F1 help works or expect people to write their code for them. You know the kind, they are all over places like the Notes forum where they ask questions like "How do I add a button to my form" or "Thanks for the answer, do you have code I can use?".
I think I may have to stop visiting the forums as I am seeing more and more of these types of questions. I believe the reason they are happening is that many companies have chosen to use newer, cheaper, untrained staff in the place of experienced, more expensive, skilled staff. So what we see is people learning the basics all over again, but these new people seem to expect everything to be handed to them on a plate, no out of the box thinking, heck no thinking at all.
What does everyone else think? Are you not bothered by the silly questions or the free loaders looking to have their bottoms wiped? I have never suffered fools gladly, so perhaps it's just me.
The really lazy ones will loose interest and go away quickly enough.
Posted by Michelle O'Rorke At 06:37:52 PM On 02/12/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Rupert KieroWatson At 08:06:08 AM On 02/13/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Debbie At 09:37:33 AM On 02/13/2007 | - Website - |
I'm a business major who just hates to tell people, "no, I can't do that."
Posted by Josh Vogel At 01:51:36 PM On 02/13/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Sean At 09:39:37 AM On 02/14/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 11:46:55 AM On 02/14/2007 | - Website - |