Glen Salmon asks about Chatrooms
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Glen Salmon is an IBM employee who I have been in contact with quite a lot over the last few months, primarily relating to the IBM DOD NCES deal of which Instant TeamSessions and Instant IMtegrity are key components. He recently started his blog, and in this post he asks "Chat Rooms- are they a big deal ?".
He also asks in another post are "Blogs ready for business?"
Glen posts quite a few comments here and on other blogs, if you don't already have him in your RSS feed reader, I'd suggest adding him.
Glen Salmon's Blog
Glen Salmon is an IBM employee who I have been in contact with quite a lot over the last few months, primarily relating to the IBM DOD NCES deal of which Instant TeamSessions and Instant IMtegrity are key components. He recently started his blog, and in this post he asks "Chat Rooms- are they a big deal ?".
He also asks in another post are "Blogs ready for business?"
Glen posts quite a few comments here and on other blogs, if you don't already have him in your RSS feed reader, I'd suggest adding him.
Glen Salmon's Blog
That's one thing you can say for Domino, if it worked 5 years ago, it works today !
Here's a Question - who has the oldest Domino based blog on the internet ?
Posted by Glen At 10:36:30 PM On 02/04/2007 | - Website - |