How do you get people's pictures into a Sametime business card when using a Domino directory?
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During the beta, this was one of the most asked questions. Grant Bingham has just posted a great step by step document on how to do this on his blog:
Sametime 7.5 guide - how to add a photo to a Sametime 7.5 business card
During the beta, this was one of the most asked questions. Grant Bingham has just posted a great step by step document on how to do this on his blog:
Sametime 7.5 guide - how to add a photo to a Sametime 7.5 business card
I got your name from Paul Culpepper, who thought you might be able to point me toward the answer to a question I have. I'm responding to this entry even though it's old because it's the closest thing I've found in your blog to the topic. (Paul didn't have your e-mail address.)
I am planning to move my organization to Sametime 7.5.1. I would like to have people use business card photos, but the key will be to provide some kind of tool so that they can manage the pictures themselves. We have 26,000 users and I can't have them all call our e-mail administrators whenever they want to update their pictures. The administrators have too many other important things to do.
Since the feature is so prominent and Sametime is so readily extensible, I expected to find a rich assortment of community-supported tools for this, but so far I haven't been able to find any tools of that kind. Do you know of such a thing? We can't be the only organization to tackle this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
Posted by Jason Michels At 08:32:30 AM On 11/15/2007 | - Website - |
Posted by Jason Michels At 08:35:39 AM On 11/15/2007 | - Website - |