My Airman certificate...
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aka pilots license, has not expired (they never do), but my currency has. It's been a few years since I last flew myself (August 2001), and since then things have been a bit crazy, changed jobs, started a company, moved house etc. So I've decided it's time to get back behind the yoke. I have no idea if the dog will like flying but it would be pretty funny to see her floating around in the back seat. To get my license current again there are a few things I need to do:
As it's been a while I'll probably approach this in the following way, purchase the latest FAR parts 61 and 141, get booked for my medical (has to be a with an Aviation Medical Examiner), start practicing some take-off and landings and re-familiarizing myself with the instruments via Microsoft Flight Sim (yes this really helps). When I've learnt the new regs and checked myself for planning a flight etc. I'll book myself some time with my old instructor, although he's over an hour away, I always liked his casual teaching style and the easy way he explained things. I also appreciated his honesty, so I know he won't sign me off until I'm ready. I'll probably do an hour in a warrior and another hour in a Cessna, just to make sure I remember where everything is. I'd like to get this done before the end of autumn, as autumn always has some great days for flying. I'll post back with updates as I progress or don't progress, whichever the case may be...
aka pilots license, has not expired (they never do), but my currency has. It's been a few years since I last flew myself (August 2001), and since then things have been a bit crazy, changed jobs, started a company, moved house etc. So I've decided it's time to get back behind the yoke. I have no idea if the dog will like flying but it would be pretty funny to see her floating around in the back seat. To get my license current again there are a few things I need to do:
- Get a new medical certificate
- Learn new FAA regulations that have come into effect since August 2001
- Have a flight review with an instructor, 1 hour ground, 1 hour flight.
As it's been a while I'll probably approach this in the following way, purchase the latest FAR parts 61 and 141, get booked for my medical (has to be a with an Aviation Medical Examiner), start practicing some take-off and landings and re-familiarizing myself with the instruments via Microsoft Flight Sim (yes this really helps). When I've learnt the new regs and checked myself for planning a flight etc. I'll book myself some time with my old instructor, although he's over an hour away, I always liked his casual teaching style and the easy way he explained things. I also appreciated his honesty, so I know he won't sign me off until I'm ready. I'll probably do an hour in a warrior and another hour in a Cessna, just to make sure I remember where everything is. I'd like to get this done before the end of autumn, as autumn always has some great days for flying. I'll post back with updates as I progress or don't progress, whichever the case may be...