Roundtable from Microsoft
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I saw this device demonstrated at the last Microsoft Real-time Collaboration conference. Unfortunately it was shown under NDA so I could not blog about it. Most of the major lifting is done with software, but it does have a small Windows CE os running in it. It had some really nice features when they showed it, the camera could follow the person speaking as they walked around the room, keeping them in the center of the frame. Some of the features I liked best, were watching replays of a meeting, where you could selectively watch specific people and cut out others etc. So each person in the meeting was automatically given an assigned colour, and though the equivalent of a kind of piano player roll, you could see which person was speaking and then and jump straight to them. Very slick and potentially useful.
I saw this device demonstrated at the last Microsoft Real-time Collaboration conference. Unfortunately it was shown under NDA so I could not blog about it. Most of the major lifting is done with software, but it does have a small Windows CE os running in it. It had some really nice features when they showed it, the camera could follow the person speaking as they walked around the room, keeping them in the center of the frame. Some of the features I liked best, were watching replays of a meeting, where you could selectively watch specific people and cut out others etc. So each person in the meeting was automatically given an assigned colour, and though the equivalent of a kind of piano player roll, you could see which person was speaking and then and jump straight to them. Very slick and potentially useful.
Posted by Simon Barratt At 05:01:04 PM On 06/26/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Tim Latta At 11:34:36 AM On 06/27/2006 | - Website - |