The cat is out of the bag...
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You can and people have been downloading the Sametime 7.5 Beta 2. Personally I think this has become available too soon, so no matter how it's spun, I think it's a cockup by IBM. There are still a large number of issues with the product and a great deal of unanswered questions. The UI isn't finished, so things will change (I really hope they change), so what you see now is not likely to be what ships.
If you're smart you'll hold off for another month or so until things are finalized and hopefully another build is released. Sure if you're a bleeding edge person that likes to try the latest and gre.., urgh latest stuff then go for it, but be aware, this thing still needs work. If you're developing plugins, then I think getting this is a good idea, if you're looking for a warm fuzzy from the client then hold off.
Having said all that, the opportunity for Sametime 7.5 is great, which is why I am taking part in the First Look Web Conference 23 June 2006: IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 6/23/2006
You can and people have been downloading the Sametime 7.5 Beta 2. Personally I think this has become available too soon, so no matter how it's spun, I think it's a cockup by IBM. There are still a large number of issues with the product and a great deal of unanswered questions. The UI isn't finished, so things will change (I really hope they change), so what you see now is not likely to be what ships.
If you're smart you'll hold off for another month or so until things are finalized and hopefully another build is released. Sure if you're a bleeding edge person that likes to try the latest and gre.., urgh latest stuff then go for it, but be aware, this thing still needs work. If you're developing plugins, then I think getting this is a good idea, if you're looking for a warm fuzzy from the client then hold off.
Having said all that, the opportunity for Sametime 7.5 is great, which is why I am taking part in the First Look Web Conference 23 June 2006: IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5 6/23/2006
It should not be so difficult to guess and search how to edit Business Card information!
Posted by Christopher Byrne At 12:55:04 PM On 06/21/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Tim Latta At 02:19:19 PM On 06/21/2006 | - Website - |