A new feature in Hannover, that would have been very useful in the second world war.
Category None
Recent Collaborators
Just a few short years ago, the 3Cs that Lotus used, Coordinate, Communicate and Collaborate would get some French people very upset when you'd present them. I wonder how "Recent Collaborators" is going to go down.
Recent Collaborators
Just a few short years ago, the 3Cs that Lotus used, Coordinate, Communicate and Collaborate would get some French people very upset when you'd present them. I wonder how "Recent Collaborators" is going to go down.
Mary Beth and I have discussed the use of this term... which I first heard during her session at the DNUG thing last month. I am not sure it will stick as the final terminology.
Posted by Ed Brill At 11:40:25 AM On 06/02/2006 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 11:41:54 AM On 06/02/2006 | - Website - |