WorldCup Calendar
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You can find the World Cup schedule in a handy to import ICS format at this website MapiLab, Notes had trouble importing the ICS file so that I could see it in the Calendar, not really sure why, I ended up getting it into my Notes client via Outlook and DAMO.
DAMO proves pretty useful to me, I use it to get my notes calendar etc. to synch with my Treo, and saved me having to purchase any other software.
You can find the World Cup schedule in a handy to import ICS format at this website MapiLab, Notes had trouble importing the ICS file so that I could see it in the Calendar, not really sure why, I ended up getting it into my Notes client via Outlook and DAMO.
DAMO proves pretty useful to me, I use it to get my notes calendar etc. to synch with my Treo, and saved me having to purchase any other software.
Posted by Alan Lepofsky At 11:47:25 AM On 03/29/2006 | - Website - |