Sametime and LCS coexistence
Category Sametime Technote
I mentioned Covergence before, and they were also a guest on our stand at Lotusphere. Today we got their eclipse platform setup so that we can share awareness info and IMs between our Microsoft LCS setup and our Sametime setup. Now the Covergence eclipse appliance is a powerful system that can benefit companies greatly and the ability for it to do LCS and Sameitme co-existence is just one of them. Here isa small movie of the awareness taking place between Sametime and LCS. is my Sametime user name, and is my LCS user name.
I mentioned Covergence before, and they were also a guest on our stand at Lotusphere. Today we got their eclipse platform setup so that we can share awareness info and IMs between our Microsoft LCS setup and our Sametime setup. Now the Covergence eclipse appliance is a powerful system that can benefit companies greatly and the ability for it to do LCS and Sameitme co-existence is just one of them. Here isa small movie of the awareness taking place between Sametime and LCS. is my Sametime user name, and is my LCS user name.
-Tim E Brown
Posted by Tim E Brown At 05:12:33 AM On 02/26/2006 | - Website - |