Linux still needs some work
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So I am still trying to uncompress that damned IBM WSE VMWare image. From other peoples comments I'll only be able to do it on a Linux box, and then move it the Windows box (would be a good thing to have in the Readme file). Easy I though, I'll just download the Knoppix CD ISO image and set it as the boot device within a VMWare session. No problem, Knoppix boots and looks great. Then the fun starts.
OK, I have the compressed file on the USB drive, no problem Knoppix can see and read the drive, excellent. Now I go to untar the file, hhhm , drive is read only, ok hit right mouse button on drive and there is an option change the drive to read write. Wait, it says that it won't do that as it's NTFS and I'll likely screw the files on drive. A quick google for some answers and it looks like I can use FAT32 to be readwrite in Linux. OK Shutdown knoppix, go back into windows, format the partition with fat32 (FYI if you want to format with fat32, to get the option the partition has to be less than 32gb in size), format drive and move across compressed tar file.
All looking good. Reboot Knoppix and mount USB drive. Great I can see the file, and I can make the drive read/write all looking good. Bring up a Terminal window and issue the tar command, woo hoo, the file is decompressing. Shit, it's almost half way through and it stops with an out of disk space error. bugger, Fat32 max file size is 4Gb arrgghhh. Easy I thought, I'll delete the partition and then make it a Linux format partition and then move the uncompressed file to a network share. This is where my belief that Linux is not ready for the typical end user comes into play.
Oh and the number one reason why Linux is going to struggle? The same reason UNIX struggled, too many flavours and distros. Sometimes, choice is bad. What could make Linux more popular on the desktop? An Apple version, it's pretty much there already, from what I hear they hide you from most of the inner workings of a UNIX platform already and that's what Linux needs.
And if you're wondering I'm still trying to format the drive
So I am still trying to uncompress that damned IBM WSE VMWare image. From other peoples comments I'll only be able to do it on a Linux box, and then move it the Windows box (would be a good thing to have in the Readme file). Easy I though, I'll just download the Knoppix CD ISO image and set it as the boot device within a VMWare session. No problem, Knoppix boots and looks great. Then the fun starts.
OK, I have the compressed file on the USB drive, no problem Knoppix can see and read the drive, excellent. Now I go to untar the file, hhhm , drive is read only, ok hit right mouse button on drive and there is an option change the drive to read write. Wait, it says that it won't do that as it's NTFS and I'll likely screw the files on drive. A quick google for some answers and it looks like I can use FAT32 to be readwrite in Linux. OK Shutdown knoppix, go back into windows, format the partition with fat32 (FYI if you want to format with fat32, to get the option the partition has to be less than 32gb in size), format drive and move across compressed tar file.
All looking good. Reboot Knoppix and mount USB drive. Great I can see the file, and I can make the drive read/write all looking good. Bring up a Terminal window and issue the tar command, woo hoo, the file is decompressing. Shit, it's almost half way through and it stops with an out of disk space error. bugger, Fat32 max file size is 4Gb arrgghhh. Easy I thought, I'll delete the partition and then make it a Linux format partition and then move the uncompressed file to a network share. This is where my belief that Linux is not ready for the typical end user comes into play.
- Where the hell is a simple right mouse button format option?
- Why should I have to search Google for a simple task like formatting a drive?
- For techies that love to be a terminal window, I can see why they like Linux, seems like a lot of stuff has to be done through a terminal window
- Ok this didn't relate to my issue at hand, but whenever you read something like, "to enable this driver, build a new kernel with blah blah" you know this is for gear heads.
Oh and the number one reason why Linux is going to struggle? The same reason UNIX struggled, too many flavours and distros. Sometimes, choice is bad. What could make Linux more popular on the desktop? An Apple version, it's pretty much there already, from what I hear they hide you from most of the inner workings of a UNIX platform already and that's what Linux needs.
And if you're wondering I'm still trying to format the drive
Posted by Stephan H. Wissel At 01:37:36 PM On 10/24/2005 | - Website - |
What are you trying to uncompress? A tar.gz file? Try
Posted by Volker Weber At 02:42:00 PM On 10/24/2005 | - Website - |
I tried 7-zip, that had no luck. I also tried a few other tools trying to uncompress the file under windows, no luck.
I am trying to decompress the IBM VMware image for WSE, I am beginning to wonder if it is even worth the effort. I have no customers looking at it, but thought it might be an idea if I looked at it a little more. That was before I had sepnt 4 days just trying to decompress a file... aarrrgghhh
Posted by Carl At 03:03:09 PM On 10/24/2005 | - Website - |
There are many many distros out there, man. Some hard, some simple.
WSE - we have it runnning on this image. I'm not sure it's worth the effort either. It'd be almost easier to create your own VMWare image (if you're already using it) than it would be to use this existing one.
Posted by Jon Johnston At 04:35:37 PM On 10/24/2005 | - Website - |
Linux still needs loads of work and Redhat, SuSE, and others are still to geek minded to get it lookign better. They are close on some fronts, but they need to make some radical chages to get it to the level of desktop for the home user.
As a side note, I am tired of hearing about the Linux hacker that gave his mom a copy of the Linux distro he is working on and it was so easy to install she did it herself and is now using Linux too.....give me a break! I hae seen that story used over and over again by each new "easy to use" distro.
Posted by David Vasta At 07:15:09 AM On 10/26/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Caboose At 02:44:15 AM On 07/09/2006 | - Website - |