Sametime 7 public beta now available
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You can get details here, When I've finished downloading I'll post the what's new section...
Update: Just downloaded "NotesDomino & Extended products 7.0 Beta for Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Windows 2000/2003 Beta 4 English" and unzipped the contents. Allt eh documentation and readmes refer to ST 6.5.1 so I am not sure I got the right download, doing it again to see if I have better luck...
You can get details here, When I've finished downloading I'll post the what's new section...
Update: Just downloaded "NotesDomino & Extended products 7.0 Beta for Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 IBM Lotus Sametime 7.0 Windows 2000/2003 Beta 4 English" and unzipped the contents. Allt eh documentation and readmes refer to ST 6.5.1 so I am not sure I got the right download, doing it again to see if I have better luck...
So far on my laptop I've installed Domino7, QP7, DomDoc7 and LEI7, I'm sure ST7 won't be the straw that breaks the camels back
Posted by Declan Lynch At 11:41:27 AM On 07/12/2005 | - Website - |
Can't see any major differences just yet apart from the new installer.
Posted by Declan Lynch At 06:33:59 PM On 07/12/2005 | - Website - |
Can someone help me with finding domino 7 beta for windows 2003. I can't download it from ibm.
Maybe you can help me further.
Best regards,
Onno Breteler
Posted by Onno Breteler At 02:53:33 PM On 11/07/2005 | - Website - |