Sametime 6.5.1 Fix Pack 1 trounces the little guy
Category Sametime Technote
Well the Sametime 6.5.1 FP1 overwrites 3rd party DLLs specifically the STChatLog.dll. So if you're a company using a 3rd party chat logger for Sametime, you'd be well advised to backup the stchatlog.dll before you install FP1 and then move the stchatlog.dll back. We'll be sending a notification to our IMtegrity customers shortly.
Well the Sametime 6.5.1 FP1 overwrites 3rd party DLLs specifically the STChatLog.dll. So if you're a company using a 3rd party chat logger for Sametime, you'd be well advised to backup the stchatlog.dll before you install FP1 and then move the stchatlog.dll back. We'll be sending a notification to our IMtegrity customers shortly.