I laughed the other day reading the InsideLotus blog
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I was reading an the article written by Raj Balasubramanian, titled JSF and JSR168. Why did I laugh? Well basically I had no clue what it was talking about. Seriously reading that article it could be giving Al Queda their next target, I could make head nor tail of it. There's nothing wrong with the content I'm sure, I just laughed as I read it a couple of times and with all the acronyms and things my eyes just glazed over, in fact my eyes glazed over the exact same way when I used to try programming an IBM mainframe in assembler, where I'd have to look up some EBCDIC code or something in the little yellow system 360 book.
I was reading an the article written by Raj Balasubramanian, titled JSF and JSR168. Why did I laugh? Well basically I had no clue what it was talking about. Seriously reading that article it could be giving Al Queda their next target, I could make head nor tail of it. There's nothing wrong with the content I'm sure, I just laughed as I read it a couple of times and with all the acronyms and things my eyes just glazed over, in fact my eyes glazed over the exact same way when I used to try programming an IBM mainframe in assembler, where I'd have to look up some EBCDIC code or something in the little yellow system 360 book.
Posted by Welcome At 02:16:18 PM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Chris Whisonant At 02:19:02 PM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by At 02:39:52 PM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Ben Langhinrichs At 02:49:40 PM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by <>tim At 02:54:42 PM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Gerco Wolfswinkel At 03:43:36 PM On 06/28/2005 | - Website - |
Wow, you brought me back for a moment there, Carl.....
Posted by Tim Latta At 12:28:07 PM On 06/29/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Sean At 09:29:48 AM On 07/07/2005 | - Website - |