Does anyone in the US know the penalty for being caught on a train track?
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As the weather gets nicer I am thinking about cycling to work, the road to between where I live and the office is pretty hilly, and also very busy in the morning. I also have to train the dog to run nice when I'm cycling which I don't really see as a problem, I figure it will only take a couple of times pedaling over her feet until she figures it out. So anyway thinking as much of my own safety as the dogs, I was thinking of alternative routes to the office. There are back roads, which are equally hilly, but less busy and then "the big idea" there's the train track. I can get on the train track about 500ft from my house, and it comes out at the other end about 1000ft from the office. The train track has a number of benefits, the key one being that it's much safer for the dog and myself and another big side benefit is that it's pretty flat. The train track is actually wide enough for the train and me, even on the couple of bridges along the way. On the train track there are a few signs that say keep off etc. but I always see people walking along them, which leads me to my questions, if I got caught how much time am I likely to do in AMTRAK jail?
I think my odds of getting caught are actually fairly low as if a train tried to chase me I could just turn around head the other way, which as the train can't do that it couldn't follow me. The trains aren't too often up here, and you can hear them coming for quite a while so I could hide behind a tree until it went past. Obviously if I did get caught, it was my first time and I had in no way planned this ahead.
As the weather gets nicer I am thinking about cycling to work, the road to between where I live and the office is pretty hilly, and also very busy in the morning. I also have to train the dog to run nice when I'm cycling which I don't really see as a problem, I figure it will only take a couple of times pedaling over her feet until she figures it out. So anyway thinking as much of my own safety as the dogs, I was thinking of alternative routes to the office. There are back roads, which are equally hilly, but less busy and then "the big idea" there's the train track. I can get on the train track about 500ft from my house, and it comes out at the other end about 1000ft from the office. The train track has a number of benefits, the key one being that it's much safer for the dog and myself and another big side benefit is that it's pretty flat. The train track is actually wide enough for the train and me, even on the couple of bridges along the way. On the train track there are a few signs that say keep off etc. but I always see people walking along them, which leads me to my questions, if I got caught how much time am I likely to do in AMTRAK jail?
I think my odds of getting caught are actually fairly low as if a train tried to chase me I could just turn around head the other way, which as the train can't do that it couldn't follow me. The trains aren't too often up here, and you can hear them coming for quite a while so I could hide behind a tree until it went past. Obviously if I did get caught, it was my first time and I had in no way planned this ahead.
Posted by Eric Parsons At 06:32:40 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Joe Litton At 08:55:20 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Richard Schwartz At 09:00:34 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 09:21:01 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl Tyler At 09:27:57 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
From my days of Personal Track Safety training, the minimum distance between you and a train at upto 75mph should be 1m and 1.6m for anything above to allow for the vacuum created by the passing train. Not wise in the UK without experience and training and British Transport Police. Also consider if the route has a lot of ballast where you plan to ride, pretty impossible stuff to ride on, need to be thinking about future relations
Posted by John Baxter At 09:40:46 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
75mph? This is New Hampshire
This link shows a fuzzy picture of the track, you can see there is a lot of space on the right.
Posted by Carl Tyler At 10:45:43 PM On 05/17/2005 | - Website - |
Glad to hear you are considering cycling to work though
Posted by Dad At 05:08:57 AM On 05/18/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Ben Langhinrichs At 07:17:31 AM On 05/18/2005 | - Website - |
But somehow Carl, I suspect that the danger, as well as folks begging you not to do it because it's too dangerous, makes it all the more appealing to you, doesn't it?
Posted by Lisa At 07:47:37 AM On 05/18/2005 | - Website - |
Who am I am to go against the advice of others?
Posted by Carl Tyler At 08:03:13 AM On 05/18/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Lisa At 10:52:42 AM On 05/18/2005 | - Website - |
I would not like you to take the risks for two reasons.
1) Who is going to support our code.
2) Who is going to update this Blog.
Some times someone has to tell the king he has no cloths on and this my friend is a bad bad idea. (Now your heckles are up and you will prove me wrong) Please take care of your dog if not yourself.
When the advert said get into training to look after yourself I think you have taken the word train literally.
Posted by Sean At 03:55:09 AM On 05/20/2005 | - Website - |