Adobe buys MacroMedia
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I really hope, that they don't do to MacroMedia what they have done to Adobe Acrobat reader and make it super slow to load. It does put Adobe in an interesting position, those two apps are probably installed on more desktops than Microsoft Office. Also people are starting to build plugins for adobe acrobat similar to the way plugins for eclipse, it's going to be interesting to see what happens.
I really hope, that they don't do to MacroMedia what they have done to Adobe Acrobat reader and make it super slow to load. It does put Adobe in an interesting position, those two apps are probably installed on more desktops than Microsoft Office. Also people are starting to build plugins for adobe acrobat similar to the way plugins for eclipse, it's going to be interesting to see what happens.
Posted by Stephan H. Wissel At 09:57:24 PM On 04/19/2005 | - Website - |
Cost wise, will Macromedia products go from reasonably priced to overpriced like many Adobe products seem to be?
Only time will tell I guess.
Posted by Christopher Byrne At 10:36:12 AM On 04/20/2005 | - Website - |
Posted by Thomas Gumz At 03:29:15 PM On 04/20/2005 | - Website - |