McAfee Framework services can cause issues for your Sametime Server
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This is a nice one that Paul Bunnell came across and suggested I let others know about the issue in case it bites you in the bum too. Basically they had McAfee Framework services installed on their Sameitme server. All appeared to be ok, Sametime server started etc. No problem. Until people started attending meetings, and couldn't do things like share their screens and use the whiteboard Turns out McAfee Framework services monitors uses port 8081 for some of it's own functionality which is conflicting with the Sametime meeting services on port 8081.
See this technote for some solutions: Sametime: "Sharing Your Screen with Others" Frame is Grayed Out After Joining a Meeting
This is a nice one that Paul Bunnell came across and suggested I let others know about the issue in case it bites you in the bum too. Basically they had McAfee Framework services installed on their Sameitme server. All appeared to be ok, Sametime server started etc. No problem. Until people started attending meetings, and couldn't do things like share their screens and use the whiteboard Turns out McAfee Framework services monitors uses port 8081 for some of it's own functionality which is conflicting with the Sametime meeting services on port 8081.
See this technote for some solutions: Sametime: "Sharing Your Screen with Others" Frame is Grayed Out After Joining a Meeting