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Why does it take Jon Stewart of the Daily Show to tell the news media what their job is? This is an excellent clip of Jon Stewart on Crossfire, he mentions many of the things I believe are wrong with news journalism today. If you don't watch The Daily Show, you really should, although it is a comedy show, it actually gives one of the most balanced views of the news you are likely to get in the US.
Why does it take Jon Stewart of the Daily Show to tell the news media what their job is? This is an excellent clip of Jon Stewart on Crossfire, he mentions many of the things I believe are wrong with news journalism today. If you don't watch The Daily Show, you really should, although it is a comedy show, it actually gives one of the most balanced views of the news you are likely to get in the US.
Posted by Greg Walrath At 12:33:22 PM On 10/19/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by The Lion King At 04:52:23 PM On 10/19/2004 | - Website - |
I also agree with him that these guys are hurting America. We can lump them all together - Ann Coulter, Bill O' Reilly, Michael Moore, Al Franken, Molly Ivins, etc. etc. etc.
From reading the stuff I post, you know that I'm a pretty right wing guy. I have customers and friends who are pretty left wing. We have our heavy discussions, then we go back to work. I can't personally think of any of them who isn't sick of the polarizing bullshit that is being sold to us on a constant basis.
This is why jibjab was such a hit. It blasted, rightfully so, the stupidity of both sides. It's why the new Team America movie will be a huge hit - because it's going to skewer everyone. And lastly, because all these people keep taking themselves so damned serious that there's no fun left in any of it.
Take care...
Posted by jon johnston At 11:41:28 PM On 10/19/2004 | - Website - |
Posted by Carl At 06:08:32 PM On 10/20/2004 | - Website - |
Still, if you're a realist about it, we're probably about where I expected us to be. I expect us to make a bowl game, and that's about it. It'll take time to build the team back to where we were, and it looks like Callahan is recruiting very good players. I'm a little skeptical about college kids being able to pick up the complexity of the offense he wants to run - but we'll see what happens.
I'll still be here, man......
Posted by Jon Johnston At 12:29:44 AM On 10/21/2004 | - Website - |