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Dave Panos, the creator of IBM Lotus SameTime (I've never heard of him) along with Andrew Busey who helped build Mosaic have launched an applicaiton to help you "Search, retrieve, organize and share information". There are a lot of these tools have been appearing lately, I'm amaazed at how many of them try to lay down a new infrastructure when there are so many companies out there with existing under user infrastructures. When you look at the product tour, your expectations of what "Search, retrieve, organize and share information" means may be different to what Pluck's interpretation is.
Dave Panos, the creator of IBM Lotus SameTime (I've never heard of him) along with Andrew Busey who helped build Mosaic have launched an applicaiton to help you "Search, retrieve, organize and share information". There are a lot of these tools have been appearing lately, I'm amaazed at how many of them try to lay down a new infrastructure when there are so many companies out there with existing under user infrastructures. When you look at the product tour, your expectations of what "Search, retrieve, organize and share information" means may be different to what Pluck's interpretation is.